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    Keiwan Spellman encountered Shamika Forrester's presence 



Betrayal Of The Past.
A hot and heated romance affair ensued
Forever Mine
He attempted to reignite the lost passion, and then lost her for good in
       On The Wings Of Love.
  A twist of fate bring these two together in
Seduced By Chance
Years later, can two people walk away unaffected by past emotions?
If you had the ultimate chance to rekindle an affair on your terms, would you?
Will the raw emotions of the past, push Keiwan on the brink of revenge.
 Coming 2016






Bandera Restaurant


Shamika pulled the front of her fur together. “Woo its cold out here.” This was the only thing she did not miss about Chicago, the blistering cold weather.

She entered through the doors of Bandera Restaurant.

“Can I get you a table?”


Shamika surveyed the restaurant. The last time she had step foot inside, she end up making love to Keiwan on the bathroom floor, and meeting Quinton as well. She smiled at the memory.

“There is a table available, you may follow me.”

Shamika followed the waiter to a table near the back. She had a complacent view of Michigan Avenue.

The waiter handed her a menu.

“Thank you. Could you give me a minute please?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Wait, could I have a glass of white wine.”

“Yes ma’am.”

The waiter turned and walked away.

Shamika stood and removed her fur coat. She placed it on the empty chair across from her.

She sat back down. She opened her Louis Vuitton purse and took out a newspaper. She placed it on the table and closed her purse. She looked at the circled home she selected.

“Maybe, I should buy a condo.” With no spousal support from Quinton, it feels as if she was starting life all over again. “Forty-six and a divorcée, how unheard of.”

“Well, I must say you are one beautiful looking divorced woman of forty-six.”

Shamika turned around in her seat.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” the Caucasian man stated.

Shamika turned back around and smiled. Thank you for small miracles she thought.






Keiwan threw another log on the fire. He lifted a bottle of water and took a gulp. He walked over to the thermostat, and adjusted the heating. He looked over at his stack of fire logs. He really did not want to go back out. He looked down at his watch.


Keiwan placed his bottle of water on the glass coffee table and walked to the stairs.






Shamika sipped a spoonful of her Potato Soup. The waiter walked over in her direction. He placed a bottle of white wine on her table.

“I’m sorry, but this was not ordered by me.”

“No, but the gentleman at the bar sent this over.”

“Can you please tell the gentleman, I said thanks, but no thanks, please take it away.”

“Very well ma’am.”

The waited lifted the bottle of wine, and walked away.

She relocated to Chicago, for peace, and she did not need a man or men to complicate her life. She felt bad, for advising her children not to tell their father that she has relocated to Chicago. Hopefully, no on divulges the fact. She thought back to Quinton and her last conversation.

“Why want you give this marriage a chance I made a mistake, how long are you going to punish me for that.”

“As long as it takes for the hurt to go away. Quinton you divorced me, using the public sector. You destroyed this family. Things of that nature do not heal overnight.”

“Shamika, I need you, baby, I have not had any pussy since that night we slept together. I want to move back home, and have wife back in my bed for good. This shit between us; I know it can be worked out.”

“Something, I tried to advise you earlier.”

“Dammit, I want to move back home.”

“Quinton, we are legally divorced, you made certain of that, and I refuse to sleep in a bed with you again.”

“Then marry me Buttercup.”


“Just think about it, I do not care if the children are not mines. I am the only father who our kids know, and I be damn, if I lose my family over this.”

“I have to think Quinton, so much has happened, and so much has changed.”

“Buttercup, I will be moving back in here tomorrow.”

She touched her lips, in memory of the last kiss they shared.

“Ma’am would you like desert.”

“No thank you, please bring me the bill.”



Shamika stood, and lifted her bill from off the table. She walked over to the counter.

She looked out the window, while waiting for the cashier to return with her change.

“Thank you for your patronage.”

“You’re welcome sir.”

Shamika walked to the door, and exited the restaurant. She walked down the steps and opened the glass door.

The blustering cold weather penetrated her bones. She looked up and down Michigan Ave. She looked up. A snowflake made it to the tip of her nose. She walked to the curb to hail a taxi. She pulled her fur together tighter. “Damn, it’s cold out here.” She looked up and down the street again. She walked down Michigan Avenue. Her footsteps faltered with the holiday shoppers. She really did not want to return to the confinements of a hotel suite.


Keiwan adjusted the thermostat. He lifted his cell phone from off his dashboard, and fumbled to open it. He maneuvered his vehicle with one hand. The cell phone dropped out of his hand.

“Shit.” Keiwan took his eyes from off the road to look down at his car mat. He looked up and slammed on the brakes to avoid the pedestrian crossing the street.

Shamika heard the car tires screeching. She slipped on a thin layer of black ice.


Keiwan stopped his vehicle. He unsnapped his seat-belt, opened his car door, and ran to the front of his car. He looked at the back of the woman’s head, who at the moment was rubbing her leg.

“I’m sorry.”

Shamika pivoted to look up. Keiwan peered closer.



Each one said each other name’s simultaneously.”

“Are you all right ma’am?”

“Yes, I’m more embarrassed than anything, thank you.”

The man bent down and offered his hand.

“I got this man.”

Keiwan assisted Shamika to her feet.

“Was that a welcome back to Chicago, because if it was, try something else.”

“What are you… how? I do not know where to begin.”

Shamika shivered. “Here, let’s get you warm.”

Keiwan opened the passenger door up for Shamika.

She smiled up at him.

“Thank you.”

“No thank you, for picking this particular crosswalk.”

Shamika got inside the car. Keiwan walked around the driver side of the vehicle.

Play it cool man, and do not seem too desperate to see her, although the woman looked like she never aged.

Keiwan got inside his vehicle and pulled the door close.

“Is this what you were reaching for, when you almost ran me over?”

“Aah, yeah.”

Keiwan took his cell phone from out of Shamika’s hand. He placed it on his dashboard.

Keiwan placed his gear in drive.

“Are you hungry?”

“No, I just ate at Bandera.”

“I see some things never change, or do they?”

“Yes they do.”

“Like old times.”

“Only if you understand that they are old times.”

Keiwan pulled his vehicle at a red light.

“Are you visiting?”

“You may say that. How are your brothers doing?”

“Everyone is doing fine, as a matter of fact. I was on my way to my parent’s home.”

“And a broad crossing the pedestrian, and slipped on a strip of black ice, is detouring your plans, I’m sorry.”

Keiwan looked over at Shamika. He looked down at her lips.

“I’m not.”

“I’ve read Kwan, is now a Council member, how about Keijohn?”

“He owns his own law practice.”

“How are your parents doing?"

“My father is retired, and my mother complains she is tired of going fishing with him.”

Both laughed.

“You can drop me off at the next corner.”

“I can drive you. Where you are staying?”

“I will be all right.”

“I really don’t mind, and I would like to sit down over dinner, and catch up on twenty years.”

Don’t go down that avenue Shamika.

“I’m sure Kwan and Keijohn would like to say a quick hello to you as well.”

“Keiwan, I do not want to push my company on anyone.”

Too late for that he thought.

“I would stop in to say a quick hello, and then from there back to my hotel suite. I mean you can drop me off in front of my hotel suite.”


“Are you married, are there any juniors running around here.”

“I’m divorced, and no children were created to carry on my name.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I heard on the television, that you and Mr. Forrester were getting a divorce.”

“As we speak, I am divorced.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Hey it’s Christmas time, and I’m boring you with depressive issues.”

“I heard your sons were recently drafted to the NFL.” Which their father did not attend she thought.

“Yes, that was one stipulation Quinton placed on them, no entrance until they graduated. Both are now attending Pre-Law School.”

Keiwan pivoted to look over at Shamika.

“Are you serious?”

“Yes, those two are very determined to be attorneys. And then there is Shaylynn, the youngest of my triplets.”

“How is she?”

“How did…”

“The unfortunate news was broadcast, during her hospitalization, something about her being a renowned ballerina.”

“Yes, she owns her own ballet school in San Francisco.”

“I see you have done well for yourself, Miss. Collins.”

“Have I.”

“Being divorced is not the end of the world. It is only a door slamming, preparing to open another.”

“Keiwan, I am forty-six years old.”

“And still sexy as ever. Do you ever age.”

“According to my great, great, great great-nana, no.”

“You will have to explain that in details over dinner, but for now, we are here.”

Keiwan, pulled onto a private driveway. A colonial two-story white mansion came into view.

“Keiwan are you sure about this.”

“After twenty years of waiting, yes.”

“We are talking about me intruding upon the time with your family.”

“Oh yeah I’m talking about that also.”

He winked at her. Keiwan unsnapped his seat-belt. Shamika unsnapped her seat-belt. Keiwan opened the door, and pushed it close. He walked around to the passenger seat and opened the door for Shamika. She stepped out. Keiwan pushed the door close. He wrapped Shamika’s arm around his bent elbow and walked to the front door.

He looked down at her again.

“You still really look good. There is not a single gray hair on your head.”

“I’m sure they will eventfully come when I hit about one hundred and seven like my great-great great grandnana. I have to say, you have enough for the both of us.”

Keiwan slicked his hand back through his hair.

“Don’t let the gray strands fool you.”

Shamika laughed.






Keiwan rang the doorbell.

A woman of middle age opened it.

“Good evening Mr. Spellman, everyone is expecting your presence.”

“Good evening Hillary.”

The housekeeper moved aside, while Keiwan and Shamika crossed the threshold.

Keiwan and Shamika heard laughter.

“It appears everyone is already here.”

Keiwan grabbed a hold of Shamika’s hand, took a deep breath, and entered the formal dining room.

“Good evening everyone.”

Keijohn and Kwan swung their eyes in Keiwan’s direction.

“I hope there is enough for one more guest.”

Keiwan removed Shamika’s white fur coat.

The housekeeper took it from him.

“Thank you.”

The housekeeper walked away.

Kwan looked at Keiwan’s companion physique up and down. Damn he thought.

“Good evening, and it’s very nice to see everyone again.”

“Again?” Kwan leaned forward and peered closer.

“Shamika…Shamika Collins is that you?”


Kwan stood, and walked around the table. “It has been ages since I’ve seen you.” He pulled her to him and hugged her tightly. He slowly stepped back. “Damn, you still look good I must say.”

“And so do you Councilman Spellman.”

Kwan blushed.

“Have a seat.”

Keijohn looked at Shamika’s curvaceous figure. Keiwan looked down at her firm derrière.

God help him, the woman still looks like she is twenty-six years old.

“Good evening Mr. and Mrs. Spellman.”

Mr. Spellman looked at his wife, seated at his side.

“What did she say?”

“She said hello pop. Do you remember Shamika, the woman Spellman and Spellman defended twenty years ago?”


Shamika leaned over and whispered something in Mr. Spellman’s ear.

She leaned back.

“It’s good to see you again Miss. Collins.”

“What did you whisper to him?”

“I told him thank you for representing me in the terrorist trail.”

Keiwan scooted a chair back from Shamika.

Shamika took a seat.

“Thank you.”

“Shamika let me introduce you to everyone.”

“To your left is Mrs. Constance Spellman, Kwan’s, wife, and Mrs. Pamela Spellman, Keijohn’s wife.”

“Nice to meet you Mrs. Forrester. I’ve heard so much about you.”

“It’s Miss. Collins, and I hope all pleasantries.”

Constance hesitated.

“If that is the definition.”

Shamika arched her eyebrows at Constance’s sublime remark.

“Well, since everyone is here. I say we can eat.”

Everyone seated was served a five-course meal.


Kwan and Keijohn pulled Keiwan aside.

“Why did you bring Shamika here? Keiwan, every time Shamika enters your life, you fall off the emotional wagon.”

“Man, that shit between us was twenty-years ago. As you’ve heard, I’ve been married.”

“I would not constitute a year, anything worth writing about.”

“I wanted heirs, she could not produce them, therefore, I moved on.”

“You said she was taking some fertility drugs.”

“Which was lie, and why the fuck am I explaining my business to you two. You have your pussy, so step off my plate, and let me eat mine.”

“Just watch yourself.”

“Ain’t no shit going down between Shamika and I. I only want the revenge of seeing her ass flap in the wind like she left me.”

“That’s the Spellman gusto; make sure you stick to your guns.”


“I heard she once slept with a terrorist.”

“I happen to read her book, and she is trouble with a capital T, and you better watch Kwan around her, I heard she is a man stealer.”

Shamika looked at all the family photographs. She picked up the photograph of Keiwan’s wedding photograph.

He married that crazy bitch she thought.

“They were so happy,” someone voiced from behind.

Shamika placed the photograph back down and turned around. Constance and Pamela stood their ground.

“I’m sure they were for him to have married her, but time does not do everyone good, he is divorced.”

“Listen, I’ve heard about you, and I have to say, if you are here to cause this family any shame, I suggest you head for the front door.”

“I say, you are carrying this little temper tantrum of yours too far. So let me set the record straight so there will be no misunderstanding when our presence cross again. I am a divorced woman who has had association long before, Kwan placed that ring on your finger. I have fucked your brother-in-law, long before Keijohn placed that ring on your finger. Therefore, as a courtesy call, don’t, and I repeat, do not disrespect me like I am this illusion you think you know.” Shamika stepped closer to the two. “If you two have the remote idea in your head of fucking with me, think again, I am not your enemy.” Shamika bumped pass Constance. She turned around. “Oh, would either of you two like another drink.”

Constance walked away, followed by Pamela.

“There you are.” Kwan grabbed a hold of Shamika’s arm. “Walk with me.”

“I’m walking.” Kwan walked Shamika into the Solarium. He closed the door.

“Have a seat.”

“Thank you.”

“Would you like something to drink?”

“No, I’m fine.”

Kwan took a seat next to Shamika.

“Okay, out with it, what is your agenda, and how does it involve Keiwan.”

“I have no hidden agenda. I was going through a moment of uncertainly, I relocated to Chicago, which, I have not advised Keiwan, and…that is the end of it.”

“Shamika, I like you, therefore, I would be straight-up with you.”


“When you returned from being in the witness protection program. You gave reason to Keiwan to map out his future, after he found out that you married Quinton. He went on a roller coaster ride, and strange as it sounds, married Jasmine. I be damn if I sit back, and watch my brother fall into a deep funk over some pussy.”

“Are you saying me being here is not a good idea?”

Kwan looked at Shamika’s lips. He knew his baby brother could not stand up against those lips, a curvaceous body of a twenty-year old, skin, so fucking soft, and highly educated, and now fucking divorce.

“I will have to let you make that determination. I love my baby brother and this family, and I do not want to see him hurt again.”

“I understand, maybe that drink will suffice after all.”

Shamika stood. Kwan stood.

Kwan stroked Shamika’s cheek. Yes, skin so soft he thought. He moved closer.

“I hope I did not offend you, with my brashness.”

“Honesty always works for me.”

“You are still a very beautiful woman Shamika; Quinton is a damn fool for letting you get away.”

“I’m fine; life has a way of catching up with you. Hey, do you remember we won the salsa contest.”

“Yes, I had my scepter bronzed, and it is hanging up on my wall.”

“A trophy for the keeping.”

“I have not salsa in…since that night we won the contest.”

“That long huh.”


“Do you still know how to move?”

Kwan circled Shamika’s waist and pulled her to him.

“Okay, I’m feeling the moment,” Shamika added.

Kwan and Shamika salsa around the Solarium. He twirled her, and dipped her. She laughed. Kwan laughed. He dipped her one last time, and matted her body against his. Kwan looked into her eyes, and then down at her lips. He immediately swooped his lips on hers. He pulled her up and deepened the kiss. His tongue tangled with hers. His hands traveled up and down her back. Kwan pressed his erection against her pelvis. He leaned his forehead against her forehead. He hugged her tighter to him. “I always wanted to know what was behind the kiss we shared twenty years ago.”

Shamika brought Kwan’s face down to hers, and tenderly kissed his lips. Kwan melted into her embrace.

“Oh Shamika,” he whispered against her lips. He rained kisses down her neck, and held her tighter to his body. His lips over-powered hers.

Shamika released her hold and gently pushed Kwan back.

“I’m sorry, but…but there was nothing behind it.”


Kwan palmed his cheeks down.

“I…I have to agree. I’m happily...ah married, so now we know this kiss or the one we shared years ago means nothing.”

“Absolutely nothing.”

“Good and you will stay away from Keiwan.”

“Keiwan who.”

“That’s good.”

Kwan stroked Shamika’s cheek again. “I know Keiwan means well, but you are…how should I say it, oh, kryptonite.”

“I get the point.”

“Oh, and I’m sorry about kissing you, I do not know what came over me.”

“Don’t…don’t let it worry you, this never happened, or worth mentioning.”

Tell that to his dick, that finally came out of its shell.

“I really could use that drink now.”

Kwan looked into Shamika’s eyes. Help him, and poor Keiwan. He lifted her hand and kissed it. “Very soft.”

“Thank you.”

“I will be right back.”

Kwan stood and walked to the door; he opened it and exited the Solarium.


“Man, Shamika looks fucking hot. The woman is still gorgeous, her body, shit… Her eyes still holds that seductiveness behind them, and now she has a huge bankroll, damn, Keiwan, you have a second chance to slam that pussy. Are you going to try and hit it again?”

“No, I would not waste my Viagra going down that road. No, I want her to feel some of the pain that I experienced, when she promised marriage to me, and then went to marry that yellow bastard.”

Kwan joined the two. Shamika is in the Solarium waiting on a drink.

“What were you and Shamika talking about?”

“The past. Keiwan don’t blow your emotions, on that pussy, the woman is bad news, when it comes to you.”

“Why the fuck does everyone keep telling me that shit. Shamika and I have a past together, it’s granted, but for you two dicks to keep shoveling that shit down my throat is old. I have no plans of entering into a relationship with no one. I like answering to self. Now excuse me you two.”

Keiwan walked away.

“I bet he try to hit it.”

“I don’t know, I did give her the big brother speech, about Keiwan’s mental state.”

And then tasted her sweet lips.

“Kwan, no you didn’t.”

“Yep, I advised her, if she is trying to mess with his head, than keep stepping.”

“Kwan, stick with politics, because you have no concept when it comes to peoples’ emotions. Keiwan is a grown ass man, if he wants to keep smelling that ass, and come up empty handed, then that’s his game, but babysitting his dick, damn.” Keijohn walked away from Kwan.

He knew Keiwan would fall victim to her beauty and charm the minute she stepped in the dining room, he did. He always wondered what if the stakes were different, and she fell for him. He looked across the foyer at his wife.

Constance smiled at Kwan. She saw the way his eyes lit up when that woman walked into the dining room. A look he has not gave her in many years.


Keiwan turned the doorknob to the door of the Solarium. He entered and looked around the Solarium.

“Shamika.” He looked around. “Where did she go?” Keiwan returned to the foyer.

“Has anyone seen Shamika?”

“Mr. Spellman, if you are speaking in reference to the woman you arrived here with.”


“Sir, she left ten minutes ago. She told me to tell you, it was nice seeing you again, and take care of yourself.”

“How did...”

“Oh, I think she took your car.”

“Are you kidding me?”

“No sir.”

Hillary turned and walked away.

Keiwan smiled. “Yes.” He walked away from Keijohn and Kwan.

“That boy does not know what Pandora box he is opening up with that woman.”

“Man, quit hating,” Keijohn stated.

“Come on now, that woman already has his nose wide open.”


“I just don’t want to see him hurt.”

“Kwan, you need to concentrate on your own wife.”

“What the fuck does that suppose to mean.”

“Between you and me, she has been confiding to my wife, that you have not been putting it down in the bedroom.”

“What my wife and I do in our bedroom is none of your fucking business.”

“Exactly, and neither is Keiwan. Now come the fuck on, we are supposed to be taking dad and mom out.”

Keijohn walked away from Kwan. Kwan sniffed under his nose. Shamika’s perfume lingered under his nose. He wanted to know what is behind the kiss they shared tonight. He knows she had to feel something, or is it his imagination playing tricks on him.






“Dad, I swear, I do not know where mother is.”

“Quaylon, I will ask you one more time.”

“Where the hell is my wife! And as your father, don’t feed me any bullshit.”

Quaylon slicked his hand back through his hair. He gave his mother his word that he would not tell his father where she was.

“Dammit, where is your mother!”

“Father, she relocated to Chicago.”

“And I was not important to be informed.”

“Dad, she made me and Riana swear to secrecy.”

Quaylon heard silence on the other end.

“Dad, are you there.”

“Son, damn, I really fucked up.”

“Dad, if you love mother…”

“Quaylon, I love your mother with every breath I take. The news of hearing my triplets are not mines, threw me.”

“Love is love dad. I wish you and mother discussed this before, you divorced her.”

“I know son.” Quinton took a deep breath. “Do you know if she’s staying alone?”

“Come on father, we are talking about my mother.”

“I know. I guess I will see you tomorrow.”


“Do you think I would not fight to get my wife back?”

Shit, now he wished he never said anything.

“I guess, I will see you tomorrow dad, and have a safe flight.”

Both men hung up the telephone.

“You just had to tell him.”

“Baby, my father sounded so desperate.”

“Just make sure you tell my mother-in-law, that you were the one who cracked under pressure.”

“Baby, you might have to take one for the team on this one.”

“Hum, I might be able to be persuaded.”

Quaylon pulled Riana into his embrace, and kissed the side of her neck. “What’s your price Dr. Forrester?”

Riana dropped her hand down to the front of Quaylon’s pants.

“I have many possibilities, I would like to explore, and the kids are bedded down for the night.”

“I do love your language.”

“Yes, and I love the way you persuade me.”

“I hope you have all night.”

“I’m eight months pregnant, I have nothing but patience.”

Quaylon grabbed a hold of Riana’s hand. Both walked to the steps.






Shamika walked around her hotel suite. She looked at the cell phone. She thought long and hard about contacting Quinton.

“No, my life is my business now.” She walked into the adjoining bedroom she stepped out of her stilettos, and took off her clothes. She walked over to the mirror.

Shamika turned side-to-side; she felt over her flat abdomen, her breasts were firm, and still squeezable to the touch. She looked behind at her derrière.

Maybe her great-great-great grandnana was correct; the women of the Collins family will always look ageless. She thought about her mother, and she does not remember her ever seeing any gray strands on her head, and the tautness of her smooth skin. She has to find out what are the properties behind her great-great-great grandnana’s rambling. She peered in the mirror, she did not have a gray strand in her hair or anywhere on her body; her skin was still smooth and very taut. “And all the curves in the right places. Now that’s scary.” This was the first time she actually assessed her body in a long time. And with the quick healing of her daughter’s surgical scar, once again, using some Aloe Vera concoction her nana gave her to place on it, seem to have left a dot size mark. “I must visit my great, great-nana in Haiti; I need answers about the family secret my nana refuses to speak on.”

Shamika fingered her lengthen curly hair. “God please tell me I’m human,” she mumbled.

Her cell phone rang. Shamika stepped back and walked into the living room. She lifted her cell phone from off the antique table. She flipped it up, and placed it up to her ear.


Quinton held the telephone to his ear.

His words froze in motion.

“Please don’t hang up.”

“Quinton what do you want.”

“We need to talk.”

“Anything you have to say I’m sure we’ve already said it. Baby, I need some space to think things through.”

Quinton placed the telephone receiver to his chin. He placed it back up to his ear.

“I only want to sit down, as you say like adults, and talk, please.”

“Quinton, if you are thinking that this marriage could be placed back together, please don’t. We are legally divorce. This is what you wanted; therefore, you will have to live with your decision.”

Quinton took a deep breath.

“Are you seeing anyone?”

“Excuse me.”

“You are dismissing our marriage too quickly. Baby, I know I made a mistake, and I am willing to make amends for it. All I ask of you is to meet me halfway.”

God she loved him so much. Twenty years of lying in each other’s arms, and now, they are talking like strangers.

“Baby, are you there.”

“I’m sorry; it’s been a long day. Einstein… Quinton.”

“Can we talk tomorrow, please, after that I would let you be?”

There you go once again, dismissing our marriage as a memory.

Quinton, I have relocated to Chicago.

Quinton smiled because; he assumed she was not going to divulge the information.

“So, I’ve been told.”

“Which one of our sons opened their mouth?”

Quinton laughed.

Shamika found his voice so comforting.

“I mean which one of my sons cracked.”

The words sounded so empty in her ears.

“If you must know, it was Quaylon.”

“That boy could never keep a secret.”

“You’re telling me.”

Silence prevailed on both ends of the telephone line.

“I will see you tomorrow.”

“Quinton, I do….”

“Where are you staying?”

Shamika took a deep breath.

“Quinton, I relocated to Chicago, for a fresh start.”

“And we shall, I mean, you shall have it. I only want to talk.”

“After I find me somewhere to properly live. We can talk then.”

“You're not staying at our home.”

“No, that home remains for the kids and family get togethers.”

“After I tie up loose ends here. I will see you at the end of the weekend. Where are you staying?”

“I’m staying at the Chicago Hilton, suite 863.”

“I will see you this weekend, I love you buttercup.”

Quinton hung up the telephone before she could issue a response.

Shamika flipped her cell phone down and placed it back on the table. She walked back to her bedroom.

She flipped the covers back, and got under the covers. How in the world could she ask Keiwan to submit to a DNA test? She reached over and turned off the lamp.

“Damn, this shit is not what I had in mind.”






Keiwan sat in his leather chair with his hands clasped behind his neck.

He wondered what brought Shamika back to Chicago. Maybe she wanted to renew their relationship. Whatever it was, he will make sure she suffers in the end.

His desktop telephone rang.

He sat up and reached for the telephone receiver.

“This is Mr. Spellman.”

“Mr. Spellman, there is a Miss. Collins out here to see you.”

“You may show her in.”

“Yes sir.”

Keiwan stood. He straightened his tie, and flattened his suit jacket down. He wondered would she notice he had his hair and beard professional cut, and permanently dyed to jet-black this morning.

His secretary twisted the doorknob and opened the door. She stepped aside.

Keiwan held his breath.

Shamika walked into his office. She looked so fresh and young, in her Sable.

“What a pleasant surprise, what do I own the pleasure of this visit.”

“I was out sight-seeing, and this destination was included in my tour. Chicago has changed within twenty years.”

“A lot has changed, things, and people. Have a seat.”

“Thank you.”

Shamika removed her Mink Sable; she walked over to the couch and laid it down. Keiwan looked down at her derrière.

His agenda may be difficult, but he would make sure he gets the last laugh.

“Keiwan, are you listening.”

“I’m sorry.”

Shamika walked over to where he stood. She stood inches from him. “I said your hair looks very nice.”

Keiwan slicked his hand back through his hair. “Thank you.” He looked down into her eyes, her lips, such memories for him.

Keiwan cleared his voice and stepped back.

“You may have a seat.”

“Thank you.”

Keiwan took a seat; he looked down at the white suede boots enclosing her thighs. The off-white sweater dress she wore showed her curvaceous figure and an ample amount of her thighs.

Shamika took a seat. She crossed her legs.

He looked down at her thighs peeping out.

“I brought your vehicle back.”

“And how would you get around.”

“There are several taxicabs in Chicago; I will manage, until I get to the car lot.”

“Can you bring my vehicle to my residence?”

“Then how would I get back to the hotel.”

“I could take you.”

“That is not an option. Quinton is flying in at the end of the week.”

“I thought you two were divorced.”

“We are. I think the concept has not quite settled with him.”

“Can I take you out to dinner this evening?”

“I am only here to return your vehicle.”

“Sexy, I mean Shamika; I have not seen you in over twenty years, what is one night of talking.”

Shamika thought about it.

“I will cook for you.”

“That is different.”

“A man learns a lot of things while being on his own.”

“Can I ask you something?”


“Why didn’t you ever remarry?”

“My first marriage, taught me to marry for love, and not the convenience of it.”

“Keiwan can you be honest and answer something for me.”

“The question.”

“Did you ever forgive me for marrying Quinton?”

“What’s in the past, I prefer to keep it there.”

She arched her eyebrows at his sharp response.

“Fair enough. Well, I would let you get back to work.”

Shamika stood and walked over to the couch. She picked up her fur. Keiwan stood and walked around his desk. He assisted Shamika into it.

Shamika turned around.

“Thank you.”

Keiwan placed his hands in his pockets.

“Can I ask you a question?”


“Do you regret that you never married me?”



“The day I left that basket on your doorstep. My decision was made.”

Keiwan palmed his cheeks.

“Oh what is your address?”

“It’s the same.”

“Keiwan, you have been living at the same address for over twenty years.”


“I suppose you still have the bed with all the settings.”

Keiwan smiled.”

“It’s been upgraded. I will show you tonight. I mean….”

Shamika leaned up and quickly kissed him on the lips. She inched back, and wiped her lipstick smear from off his lips.

“I will see you this evening.”

“I am looking forward to it.”

“Do you want me to bring anything?”

“No, your company is beneficial enough.” Keiwan stroked Shamika’s cheek. “Quinton was a fool to let you get way.”

“I do not know how to respond to that. I will see you later on.”

Shamika slowly backed up, and turned around. She walked to the door.

“Sexy, it is very good to see you again.” She turned around.

“Likewise.” She winked at him, opened the door, and walked out.

His telephone rang. Keiwan licked his lips and smiled. He walked around his desk, took a seat, and picked up his telephone.

“This is Keiwan Spellman.”






“Keiwan, Keijohn and I, wanted to know if you wanted to go out for some drinks tonight.”

“Shamika and I have dinner plans for tonight.”

“Keiwan watch yourself.”

“I got this.”

“The woman is nothing but…”

“Legs, ass, breasts, beautiful, and divorced. I know this Kwan, now quit sounding like pop. You and Keijohn enjoy, I’ll catch up later.”

“All right but...”

Keiwan hung up the telephone in his brother’s ears.

Kwan hung up the telephone.

“That boy is going to get emotional sunk.”

“I…I have to agree. I’m happily...ah married, so now we know this kiss or the one we shared years ago means nothing.”

“Absolutely nothing.”

“Good, and you will stay away from Keiwan.”

“Keiwan who.”

“That’s good.”

Kwan reached for his desktop telephone, lifted the receiver, and dialed out. He placed the receiver up to his ear.


“This is the Chicago Hilton, how can I help you.”

“Yes, I would like to leave Mrs. Forrester, I’m sorry, Miss. Collins a message.”

“What is the message sir?”

“Yes, could you please tell her to call Mr. Kwan Spellman, at City Hall, better yet? I will make an appearance, thank you.”

Kwan hung up the telephone. He logged off his computer, and stood. He walked over to the coat rack, grabbed his coat, and put it on. He walked to the door and opened it.

“Gretchen, please hold all my calls for the day.”

“Are you leaving for the day sir?”


“Have a great day Mr. Spellman.”

“You also.”

Kwan walked to the door, and walked out his office.






Shamika pushed open the door to her suite. She placed her key-card on the table, and closed the door. She rushed to the couch and placed her shopping bags on it. She unzipped her boots, and stepped out of both. She took off her mink. She walked to the thermostat and adjusted the heat setting.

She walked to the couch and took a seat. “This will be the last Brazilian wax I get.” Her pelvic was tender. She looked down at her smooth legs. “Not bad.” She looked over at all the shopping bags that contained her winter wardrobe. Her telephone rang. Shamika slowly got up. She walked over to the desk and lifted the telephone receiver. She placed it up to her ear.


“There is a Mr. Spellman down here to see you.”

Shamika looked down at her attire.

“You may allow his visit.”

“Yes ma’am.”

Shamika placed the telephone receiver back in the cradle. She lifted her purchases from off the couch, and ran into the sleeping quarters of her suite. She dropped everything on the bed. She lifted her sweater dress up over her head, threw it on the chaise, and opened a drawer. She removed a white velour jumpsuit jacket and the matching bottoms. She closed the drawer back, and quickly slid the pants up her legs. She put the jacket on and tugged the zipper down an inch. She gathered her hair on top of her head and reached down for a satin ponytail holder; she affixed it around a band of soft curls, and then stood back. “Ooh, my tennis shoes.” She ran to the closet, opened it, and slid out a pair of white tennis shoes. She slid into them, tied both, and ran back to the mirror. She rubbed over here flat midriff, and turned to pivot. “Everything still looks good from here.”

Her door intercom buzzed. She rushed out of her bedroom, and over to the door. She took a deep breath, and opened the door.

“Couldn’t wa... Kwan, what are you doing here?”

“Were you expecting someone else?”

“Not really.”

Kwan’s eyes did a timely assessment.

“You look like a teenager.”

Shamika blushed.

“Thank you, come in please.”

She turned and walked away.

Kwan looked down at her derrière. “Very Nice.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I said your hotel suite is nice.”

“Would you like something to drink?”

“Yes, a glass of wine would be nice.”

Shamika walked over to the bar.

“I spoke with Keiwan; he said you and he have dinner plans.”

She lifted the drink, and walked back to where he waited.

“Yes, after a twenty year absence, I’m sure we can find something to talk about.”

“I thought you gave me your word, that …That you will…”

“Yes, and you still have it, however, I see no problem with sharing a meal with a friend.”

“And that is the only thing; you will be sharing with him.”

Shamika placed the drink down on the table.

“Kwan, aren’t you taking this big brother babysitting, just a little too far.”

“I do not want to see Keiwan hurt.”

“Is that what you think I am trying to do to him, hurt him?”

“What is your real agenda for coming back to Chicago?”

“Kwan, if you must know. My son, his spouse, and my two grandchildren is a resident of Chicago, I have a family home here. Your brother ran into me. Now, if you do not want me to have dinner with Keiwan, just say it.”

“I do not want you to have dinner with Keiwan tonight.”

“Then you tell him that you canceled on my behalf.”

“If I have to I will.”

“I do not believe you, it’s me, Shamika.”

“Yes the same woman, who my brother fell in love with, and up and marries another man.”

“How about, I have dinner tonight with Keiwan. To make sure, I am being on my best behavior. You may join us.”

“I will agree to that, only if this conversation never took place.”

“He would never hear it from me.”

“You still look so young.”

“Thank you.”

Kwan closed the gap.

“And that is the only reason you returned to Chicago, is to be near your family.”

“Yes, and a fresh start.” and to find out is he the biological father of my children.

“I will see you later this evening."

Kwan leaned over and kissed Shamika on her lips. Shamika’s lips voluntary responded. Kwan inched closer. Shamika inched closer.

Both lips locked in battle of wits. Shamika inched her face back, and looked up into Kwan’s eyes.

“Kwan are you trying to…to make a move on me.”

“Why would I do that? I am a happily married man.”

“So if I kiss you again, you will scold me severely, correct.”

“Most def….”

Shamika pulled Kwan by the front flaps of his coat and kissed him. Kwan arms quickly enclosed her waist. Shamika linked her arms around his neck.

Kwan cupped her buttocks and wiggled his tongue inside her mouth. He heightened the kiss to her lips. Shamika licked her tongue over his lips.


Unrevised Edition

Copyright Kemy 2020


 Erotica and Romance Novelist