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Boston, Massachusetts Betrayal of the Past is a story of how a simple untruth can upheaval and alter the lives of two unsuspecting innocent people.

Shamika Collins as a teenager thought she found the perfect soul mate in Quinton Forrester, a high school athletic who wooed her off her feet and accepted her for who she was, an unsophisticated math genius. A lie was told about her to Quinton by his closet friend and confidant, Carlton Jamison. The lie untimely detours the fate of Shamika Collins and Quinton Forrester lives.

TEN YEARS LATER Chicago, Illinois Shamika Collins, Ph.D. young, single, gifted, and vivacious is employed at Central Chicago State University Mathematics Department as a Mathematic Professor.

Quinton Forrester, bachelor, handsome, and Central Chicago State University's newest Athletic Director. Is it fate that brought these two together to fulfill their destiny, or will it be the ultimate Betrayal of the Past that keeps them apart?

Submerge yourself in the pages of Betrayal of the Past and see what it feels like to be swept up in a tidal wave of deceit while interchanging your mental capacity in twisted plots. You will become spell bounded by breath taking moments of undulated passion. Within these pages, there lies a fine line between love and lust, pleasure and pain, and betrayal versus conviction, dare to enter.

 Erotica and Romance Novelist